Part of the College of Engineering, the Industrial Distribution Program at Texas A&M University is revered and respected as the best distribution program in the nation. Industrial distribution is moving industrial products from the manufacturer to the end-user, and in doing so, maintaining a local inventory and providing credit, technical product support, sales and service. Global competition facing industrial distributors requires professionals with broad skills including technical knowledge, an engineering background, a business acumen, communication skills and leadership.

Continuing the vision of those before us, the faculty, staff and researchers are dedicated to educating students to work effectively in all aspects of distribution once they have graduated. Our mission is simple:

  • Provide a comprehensive engineering and business curriculum to students seeking a career in the field of distribution.
  • Ensure students receive hands on education through modern laboratories, guest lectures, field trips, and study abroad programs.
  • Maintain relevant partnerships with industry and promote Program growth through research initiatives and active participation in our program.

We work hard to make sure the Industrial Distribution Program at Texas A&M provides our students with the education they need to perform effectively in today’s competitive distribution industry. Faculty provide current insight through their research on distribution operations around the world, and through valued industry partnerships. Additionally, our curriculum creates a foundation of knowledge for our graduates to fulfill industry’s high demand of our students.

Industrial Distribution = Engineering + Business.  Our Industrial Distribution Program specializes in training students for roles in professional sales, supply chain management, distribution logistics, operations management, and sourcing.

Industrial Distribution Undergraduate Program - TAMU