Evaluate Your Job Offer

What is This?

This tool is designed to help you evaluate your job offer and plan for your future. Not only does it help you, but it also helps the company you eventually work for. When YOU make better decisions, THEY can make better decisions too!

How do I use this?

There is a 3 step process that was developed, with an acronym of E.N.E. This stands for Educate, Negotiate, Evaluate. Each step of the process has a tool assigned to it. For the first step (Educate), the tool is called Junk the Jargon. This is a compilation of the most common benefits and aspects of a job offer that students aren't as familar with. It allows you to explore the ones you are unfamilar with and gain a better understanding of aspects of a job offer to consider.

EDUCATE: Junk the Jargon


The second step of the process is called Negotiate, and the tool for it is called Broke or Not. The purpose of this tool is for you to see how your salary will breakdown after taking into account all the costs of living, such as taxes, food, retirement contributions, and many more. You can download the excel sheet and input numbers when prompted. This will result in a net monthly income of leftover money. If this number is in the red, then you either have to negotiate for more money or reevaluate your lifestyle. If it is in the green, then great job!


NEGOTIATE: Broke or Not: Download Broke or Not


The third and final step of the process is called Evaluate, and the tool for it is Take or Toss. This tool is designed to be as free use as possible. Once it is downloaded, follow the instructions. The basis of Take or Toss is to input aspects of the offer you wish to evaluate. Then, you input how important that is to you when making a decision, then you input your happiness with that specific aspect. All inputs are on a 1-7 scale. To put the numbers into perspective, a 4 is "average", a 7 is very much above average, while a 1 is very much below average. In the end, it is a weighted-average calculater that lets you easily see how well you match with the job offer. If the final number is highlighted red, then it might not be a great match for you. If it is yellow, then it is an average match. When that number is green, that means your job offer is a great match with you!


EVALUATE: Take or Toss: Download Take or Toss

Junk the Jargon

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